Butterfly watching has me attuned to caterpillars, so when I spotted this on a dogwood leaf this evening I was excited to find out which one I had discovered. Our Peterson First Guide didn't offer a match, so I went online to search on characteristics. That got me nowhere. Then I went to 'caterpillar maine dogwood' and up popped two images from Jim McCormac's blog entry on sawflies and yellowjackets. It's not a butterfly or a moth, it's a sawfly. bugman clued me into dogwood sawflies on What's That Bug? which itself pointed to Penn State 's Susan Parker with an Integrated Pest Management perspective and a Chris Adams entry on bugguide.net . On the latter site, danielj reports that correspondent Millie's image was a first for bugguide.net. There are others there . This squirmy thing had climbed to the tip of a pagoda dogwood, but we've got red osiers aplenty. Time to think twice about the positive first impression? "This is an ...
An unintended reference to question-and-answer relationships.
Begun experimentally, maintained sporadically, and focused personally.