Stop the presses - we have arrived! On page 41 of the August issue of Wired magazine: Wired: Morse code Tired: texting Expired: shorthand (Thanks, Steve, KI0KY) -- From the Contester's Rate Sheet (ARRL) of 10 August 2005, edited by Ward Silver N0AX. A quick googling (wired morse code) took me to the premonitive wired/tired title from larry borsato. He's referencing a Times Online article telling of an Australian nonagenerian and his buddy using the code to whip some cell toting whippersnappers in a communications contest. A similar competition was ably staged later on Leno. The morse rally is building. Hurrah! Hams speak an esoteric language, a mix of radio slang and callsigns, and they like to talk about the enduring virtues of Morse code That's Mark Baard, 3 months before page 41 above, writing in Wired itself. The quote's actually from the second page . Samuel F.B. Morse's code dates to 1832. I've known Morse code since 1972. My Quite Happy Gra...